The main purpose of our project is to give the children the chance to present traditional stories from their countries, in any way they would like. For example, they can make drawings for their story and create a movie maker where they can narrate their story and show their drawings at the same time, (accompanied by traditional music in the background). Another idea is that they can be the actors and present the story as a small play/drama, or even they can make puppets (simple ones, made of paper or other recyclable materials) and present the story as a puppet show.
The target group of the project is made of children aged 5-12 years old.
1.The pupils get to know different traditional stories (and music) from various countries in Europe.
2. They can compare the different stories and the characters and actually see the different ways of thinking of people in other countries.
3. They come closer to their own tradition, as they perform traditional stories of their country and have to think of their traditional music
The stories will be presented in the form of a series of drawings, accompanied by text, which can be made a video story, or as role plays or puppet theater. The puppet theater and role plays will be video recorded.
The photo/video presentations will be sent to our partners via email and/or Twinspace, or , if the video is too large, it can be sent on DVD to our partners by air mail.
The main communication language will be English. The video materials will be translated into English so that our partners can understand the story.
The instruments we will use are: e-mail, MP3, Other software (Powerpoint, video, pictures and drawings) , Twinspace, Web publishing, blog.
Expected results:
The children cooperate together to find ways to present a story from their own tradition, so they come closer to their culture and tradition. They work creatively to find the best way so as to make their story lively and interesting and get to know some basic points from other European countries' cultures, through the foreign stories that they read/watch. So they can compare the different stories and make the first step to meet other cultures' literacy.
The end products will be: a blog, which will be used for dissemination of the activities, products and result, where students and teachers can write articles, including their impressions about the project and the product they and their partners have made; Power Point Presentations, video recordings, videos made out of photos; the stories, which can be published on the blog, in English and translated into our partners’ languages; photo albums, art exhibitions with our students’ drawings.
The expected impact: Our students will improve their communication skills in ICT, English and their mother tongue, as well as their artistic expression. The students will learn about the traditional stories of other countries, so they can better understand their peers’ cultures and, thus, refrain from discrimination in future. They will improve their self-esteem by expressing their creativity through their end products. They will make friends with their peers from the partner schools. The teachers will exchange examples of best practice. The institutions will improve their image in the local and international communities.
The project partners are:
The target group of the project is made of children aged 5-12 years old.
1.The pupils get to know different traditional stories (and music) from various countries in Europe.
2. They can compare the different stories and the characters and actually see the different ways of thinking of people in other countries.
3. They come closer to their own tradition, as they perform traditional stories of their country and have to think of their traditional music
The stories will be presented in the form of a series of drawings, accompanied by text, which can be made a video story, or as role plays or puppet theater. The puppet theater and role plays will be video recorded.
The photo/video presentations will be sent to our partners via email and/or Twinspace, or , if the video is too large, it can be sent on DVD to our partners by air mail.
The main communication language will be English. The video materials will be translated into English so that our partners can understand the story.
The instruments we will use are: e-mail, MP3, Other software (Powerpoint, video, pictures and drawings) , Twinspace, Web publishing, blog.
Expected results:
The children cooperate together to find ways to present a story from their own tradition, so they come closer to their culture and tradition. They work creatively to find the best way so as to make their story lively and interesting and get to know some basic points from other European countries' cultures, through the foreign stories that they read/watch. So they can compare the different stories and make the first step to meet other cultures' literacy.
The end products will be: a blog, which will be used for dissemination of the activities, products and result, where students and teachers can write articles, including their impressions about the project and the product they and their partners have made; Power Point Presentations, video recordings, videos made out of photos; the stories, which can be published on the blog, in English and translated into our partners’ languages; photo albums, art exhibitions with our students’ drawings.
The expected impact: Our students will improve their communication skills in ICT, English and their mother tongue, as well as their artistic expression. The students will learn about the traditional stories of other countries, so they can better understand their peers’ cultures and, thus, refrain from discrimination in future. They will improve their self-esteem by expressing their creativity through their end products. They will make friends with their peers from the partner schools. The teachers will exchange examples of best practice. The institutions will improve their image in the local and international communities.
The project partners are:
Öztürk, Avcılar Mehmetçik İlkokulu, Turkey
Anonymous, Wellington School, United Kingdom
Toubeki, 6o Δημοτικό Σχολείο Πύργου - 6 Primary School of Pyrgos, Greece
Ruth, Alec Hunter Humanities College, United Kingdom
Anonymous, Avcılar Mehmetçik İlkokulu, Turkey
White, Barr's Hill School and Community College, United Kingdom
Winchester, Chistlehurst School for Girls, United Kingdom
MARTINEZ, Collège J S Pons, France
Dibnah, Craigclowan School, United Kingdom
Nixon, Hexham Priory School, United Kingdom
Blanchard, Holy Trinity V C Primary School, United Kingdom
Dogonadze, LEPL Kutaisi N31 Public School,
Olesea Slivca, Liceul Teoretic Ion Luca Caragiale, Orhei, Republic of Moldova
Anonymous, Llangatwg Community School, United Kingdom
Wagner, Montessorischule Neusitz-Rothenburg, Germany
STANEVIČIENĖ, Plungės lopšelis - darželis "Saulutė", Lithuania
Anonymous, Scoala cu cls. I-VIII Buturugeni, Romania
Daniela Buda, Scoala Gimnaziala „Vasile
Alecsandri” Baia Mare, Romania
Anne Marie Williams, Shire Oak Academy, United
Kirsty Mills, Sirius Academy, United Kingdom
Thomas, Waterman Primary, United Kingdom
Sotiria, Δημοτικό Σχολείο Κοντοβάζαινας, Greece
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